Hi, I'm Beth!

I am an artist and photographer in Corrales, NM. Those paintings behind me are mine and you can see that stuff here: www.bethwaldronstudios.com

I'm supposed to talk about myself here, but I don't love doing that. I'm an introvert, an artist, and sometimes a scientist. I have degrees in geology and Spanish. I love to learn languages. I'm currently teaching myself Japanese.

So, I wear a lot of hats, figuratively. I'm an artist, photographer, Corrales Society of Artists Vice President and current Corrales Art Studio Tour Director, occasional geologist (not very often these days), mom, wife, animal mom (3 Great Danes, an ancient cat, and chickens), bad gardener (haha I love it but I have a lot going on), and I volunteer once a week at a local bird rehab in Corrales.

I've had a camera nearly my entire life. I was always the kid on the field trip with the film camera and the college friend with the camera at parties. I took photography classes as electives in as a kid and in college. It was a natural progression to end up as a photographer. It's really fun to hang out with you and take your photos. I like getting to know you and your families and your kids and your dogs.